Thursday, 9 November 2017

Atumn is here!

We have been waiting for a long time, but we can say 'Welcome Autumn!'

After reading this book

our little learners have managed with Autumn and their first 'mini-handled book'

We have learn some basic vocabulary: rainy day, wellie boots, umbrella,  Autumn leaf, fall down from the trees,...

Later on, we went on an Autumn hunt. Around the playground we must find all Autumn signs and then, cross them out in our poster. It was a windy and cold day, but we could find all of them! Well done!

Por fin podemos decir que el otoño ha llegado. Hemos leído el libro 'Tom in the Autumn' y lo hemos estado trabajando con un mini librito que nos ha preparado Teacher Marta. Al principio, nos costó un poco manejarlo; no sabíamos por dónde se abría, las páginas no se podían doblar... pero el ansia que tenemos por aprender inglés superó todos los obstáculos.

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