Friday, 22 June 2018

British Council


You can visit this webpage from 

happy summer holidays!

Resultado de imagen de happy summer tag

Wednesday, 20 June 2018

End of the School Year 2017/2018

Dear students, this school year has been quite hard. Learning the name of each letter, how to trace them and starting to write some English words was not easy at all. I know you have made so much effort learning it all.

Don't forget we learn English by singing, playing and manipulating objects. You can still practice all of these in summer with your family. 

Resultado de imagen de teaching

Dear parents, thanks so much for your support, for your collaboration and for the motivation to your children in English.

Below, by clicking on each title, you can watch some moments from these last days.

Resultado de imagen de thanks a bunch images

End of the School Year 2017/2018 4 Years A

Wednesday, 13 June 2018

English is everywhere

As an English lover and passionate teacher I love when my children say me: 'teacher Marta, how do you say blablabla in English?', 'teacher Marta, I listen to this song in my car', 'teacher, I love English'.

My aim is students to learn English in an integrated way, just the same way they do with their mother tongue. Language comes naturally and I try to speak them in a day by day language. You can notice the improvement they are doing gradually.

Below, you can see some pictures taken during these months which show English is everywhere.

Como entusiasta del inglés y amante de mi trabajo, me encanta cuando los niños de clase me piden que les diga una palabra en inglés. Esto demuestra que ellos tienen interés y que tienen esa 'necesidad' de saber determinada palabra que ellos consideran importante en sus vidas.

Una de mis propósitos es enseñar la segunda lengua de una manera lo más integral posible, tal y como hacéis vosotros y las maestras tutoras con el español. La lengua oral a estas edades se aprende gradualmente y usando un vocabulario básico que vamos repitiendo y trabajando diariamente. 

Sentíos orgullosos de vuestros pequeños aprendices. Son unos apasionados del inglés (como su Teacher)

Os dejo unas fotos que demuestran que el inglés está en todas partes. Cada vez que hice una foto, comentamos el mensaje, para hacerles participes de la importancia de saber una segunda lengua.

Victor (4 years C) is a motorbike lover

Álvaro (4 years C) loves London 

Gerardo (4 years B) is wearing a well-known canned food brand

Pablo H. (4 years B) and his monster

Javi (4 years B) is a Batman fan
Thalia (4 years B) and her possitive message T shirt

Pablo (4 years B) is a circus lover

 Sara (4 years B) loves his daddy.

Clara (4 years A) and her friends

Celia (4 years B) shines as her T-shirt does.

Sounds worked in the last term

Sunday, 10 June 2018

Duck, Duck, Goose

Duck, Duck, Goose is a traditional English game for kids. Here you have a video which shows you how to play and below some examples of our Psicomotricidad lessons.

4 Years A

4 Years B

4 Years C